Nicaragua Neely Eye Mission

Nicaragua Neely Eye Mission

The Neely Story

The Neely Aragon family will be headed to Nicaragua to serve as medical missionaries in 2021! We will be serving with Christian Ophthalmic Surgery Expedition Network (ChOSEN), helping to establish and operate a surgical eye hospital that will serve the blind of Nicaragua, both physically and spiritually. We are excited about this opportunity and so many of you have been an integral part of our faith journey, starting some 16 years ago when Jill arrived from Cedro Galan to begin her studies in Birmingham that would eventually lead her back home to serve her people as a medical missionary. We look forward to sharing more with you all about this calling that God has placed on our family!  So many of you have served in Nicaragua with our teams. We ask for your faithful prayer support and as is needed for most missionaries, we will need to raise our monthly stipend to support our work in Nicaragua. 

Jill Aragón Neely, born and raised in Managua, Nicaragua, came to the United States to study medicine and return to her home country to serve her people. David Neely, born and raised in Huntsville, AL, studied ophthalmology at UAB with the goal of one day serving overseas to help restore sight to the blind.

Starting in October 2021, both Jill and David (as well as Isabella and Caleb, their twins!) will be serving in Chinandega, Nicaragua, as medical missionaries with Christian Ophthalmic Surgery Expedition Network (ChOSEN). The Neely Aragón family will help open and run the Chosen Eye Clinic with the purpose of performing high-volume cataract and retinal surgery. David will serve as ophthalmologic surgeon and Jill will serve as medical director of the clinic. The Neely Aragón family will be working closely with the Nicaraguan people, facilitating patient care with Nicaraguan ophthalmologists, and training Nicaraguan locals to work as ophthalmic surgical technicians in the eye clinic. Patient care and surgeries will be performed weekly. Five to six large surgical camps will also be conducted throughout the year by U.S. ophthalmologists.

The chief cornerstone of the clinic, the gospel of Jesus Christ, will be preached daily as sight will be given to the blind, both physically and spiritually. A chaplain will concurrently serve the people as they await their ophthalmic care. Church planting and establishment of a Christian school are long-term goals as well.  As the Neely Aragón family prepares to move to Nicaragua, they cannot begin to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

From:    Brookwood Nicaragua Neely Support Team

As you know, Jill and David Neely will be departing for Nicaragua with Caleb and Isabella in October.  As with most missionaries, it is necessary to raise some of their support.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or text at 205-266-5026.  We ask for your faithful prayer support and financial assistance in supporting this important life-changing ministry in Nicaragua.  You may contact David and Jill Neely directly at: .

Frank Page                       

Charles Vianey                 

Al Rector                             

Blake Dempsey                  

Karen Love                          

Meg Hightower                   

Marla Corts                       

Financial donations may be made at the Chosen Eye Mission website below:

100% of the gifts given through Chosen Eye Mission website will support their ministry. If you forget the web address, just google chosen eye mission and it will take you there. If you scroll down on the homepage, you will see their picture and story.  If you setup an account, you can easily give a recurring gift either through an auto bank transfer or credit card.  Jill and David will be notified by email that you have given.  You will receive an email confirming your donation and an end-of-year statement for tax purposes.   If you use the “drop-down” fund box on the donate page, you will see the designation for Neely Eye Mission.  This will ensure that the gift is preferenced for the Neely Eye Mission.  There is an address for mailing a check, but this is not the preferred way to send your support.


Brookwood Nicaragua Neely Support Team