Men's Ministry

The men’s ministry purpose is to minister to the spiritual needs of the men of Brookwood Baptist Church and our community and to foster fellowship among the men of the church.

Brookwood desires to help our men become and make disciples.  We encourage participation and leadership in a broad range of experiences, including worship, fellowship, and ministries. 

We are devoted to learn and apply Scripture through Sunday School, Wednesday night Equipping Groups, and men’s small groups that meet during the week.  We desire to help men connect with God, with their spouses, their children, and their brothers in Christ.

We encourage men to engage in ministry through a vast number of mission partnerships.  Some men volunteer through our sister church, True Vine.  This partnership has allowed us to serve through construction, food ministry, Backpack Buddies, and mentoring young men in a drug rehab program.  We have a group of men who teach adult GED prep classes every Thursday at M-Power Ministries.  There are also opportunities to serve nationally with Builders For Christ, or internationally with annual mission trips to Rio, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Kenya, and South Africa.  We exist to help men put their faith into action and to reorient their lives by centering on God’s love through Jesus Christ.