Children's Minister Job Opening

Thank you for your interest in serving in a ministry position within Brookwood Baptist Church. The vacancy is listed below.

Current Opening:

Minister to Children and Their Families

We are seeking a Minister to Children and Their Families who will provide a safe and vibrant environment for the 1st through 6th graders of Brookwood Baptist Church to learn more about the Christian faith (Evangelism) and what it means to be a follower of Christ (Discipleship). This minister will engage in partnership with the families of school-aged children to awaken, support, and continue this faith development in their homes. Brookwood is an intergenerational congregation with a strong mission-minded focus, so this minister will also develop, coordinate, and participate in relevant missions projects with the children and these families (Missions). In addition, the Minister to Children and Their Families will passionately seek to build relationships with both the churched and unchurched children in our community (Connections) through creative ministry methods. This minister will conduct himself/herself in a professional manner (Administration) with a commitment to excellence while modeling for Brookwood’s children and parents what it means to be a Christ-follower.

Please see the Minister to Children and Their Families Job Description. Resumes may be sent to .


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